Monday, July 30, 2007

Mmmm...More Progress

So last wednesday we put up the last truss after work. Dillion help out...AGAIN! Along with Kris' old climbing buds Pat and Pat....Patton Fast & Pat Keeley...

Wew...that was for the hard part....squaring it off!

It took us a long time to figure out that one of the diagonal beams was on the opposite side its the vertical beam from the other two...our measurements weren't working out...Why were we over 4" too wide between the beams, but still 24 feet wide total? Daaa! But then Pat noticed the diagonal beam's orientation, and it all made sense...and all measured up...and level....Thank God! And thanks to the Pat's, who did all the brain work!

Kris started welding some of the steel support beams in, but we're still waiting for the concrete to get poured. Slow going...but we're getting there!