Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The progress goes on...

Ten days to finish it...think we can make it?

The concrete finally starting showing up on Wednesday....FREE CONCRETE! The best kind...We had rented a power buggy(fancy automatic wheelbarrow) for a week to port the conrete from the trucks on the street in front, all the way back of the yard to the wall. Our next door neighbor, Denny, was more than happy to help drive the power buggy for us while we were at work. In three days we topped off the holes with what is about 15 tons of commercial, high grade cee-ment!

Then the dirt piles were hauled away and the steel started going up...

As well as other important parts, like the lip...gotta have something to grab at the top! Thing is, our center truss ended up a few inches higher than the two on either side, so we had to do some creative "bending" to get the 2x8 to be flush to the bottom edge....Wood Bending Tools: 2 Adult Men, 2x4, ability to hang on 2x4...

Now we're on the the reinforcing of the structure...finding all the wiggle spots and tightening them up. We will need to put two front supports on, angled into the wall....after 35W we're all about over engineering!

So this is how she looks today...

well, there maybe more steel in there now...but close she is from the front...

She's not done yet...but she still holds weight!

The plywood should go on this weekend! We can't wait to have one of the most bad ass outdoor home the country, probably! Sweeeeet....

1 comment:

Neil said...

Here's a copy of that photo you asked for: